Vulnerability Scanning

Vulnerability Scanning examines an organization's network to identify security weaknesses and flaws in the systems and software running on them. 

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Vulnerability Scanning examines a company's network to find any potential weak spots such as open ports, outdated software and obsolete tools. Ideally, businesses should conduct vulnerability scans proactively — before an attack happens. As vulnerabilities are found, we can work with you to determine the best course of action to address the issue. Vulnerability testing can also be accompanied by penetration testing to test the limits of the potential weak spot.

Rinse and Repeat: As with every good business process, it's not a one-time task — it's a cyclical task. Regularly reviewing and updating the security measures and ensuring continuous monitoring and improvement of cybersecurity practices is a smart business move.

Click on the section headers below to read more about each step of our process:

  • 1. Discover

    We identify all assets within an organization. Any asset with a connection to the Internet is a potential threat. Assets include firewalls, routers, workstations, servers, mobile devices, printers, software — just to name a few.

  • 2. Detect

    We begin information gathering to collect data on current security measures and configurations. We review system logs, network traffic, and user access patterns. We use high-level security tools to scan for vulnerabilities in software and hardware assets and we check for outdated software, weak passwords, and misconfigurations. All of these things help to find even the smallest weak spot in an organization.

  • 3. Analyze

    We take all the information gathered and review the findings — helping us to determine the level of risk and the severity of the vulnerabilities.

  • 4. Report

    We provide you with a detailed report that includes recommendations for mitigating identified risks and how we can help you.

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